Saved By Structure

3 min readDec 27, 2020

The Power of Planning Your Weekly Workouts

Sometimes I find that after the holiday, a lull (or perhaps a sugar hangover?) sets in and it can feel extra hard to motivate myself again. We’ve all been there and many of us are there now (hand raised!). If that is you, set aside some time this weekend to make a plan for your week ahead so that you can taylor your exercise schedule accordingly. You do not have to stick to your plan rigidly, but I find it incredibly helpful to build in my exercise time around what is going on each week (especially since my work schedule changes from week to week). Your workout schedule may not look the same every week, and that is okay! In fact, I have adopted a method of cycle syncing (much more to come on that topic!), that helps women of reproductive age determine what types of exercise is best for their bodies according to the rising and falling hormone levels. All that to say, it is okay if your energy levels cause you to adjust your exercise schedule from week to week.

The goal of this planning is so that you can use your “down” time most efficiently, rather than wasting it on trying to decide what to do. When I fail to do this, it often results in me doing nothing at all. Maybe I am alone in this, but if you find yourself here too, building in an outline for your workouts will be a great asset. In a moment of weakness (such as limited energy, time, or motivation), this self-imposed structure will help fight against paralyzation because as we all know, when we leave it to the notion of “I’ll see how I’m feeling” we risk giving ourselves an easy out. It is definitely important to rest, but this rest should be intentional. Not only do we give ourselves an easy out, but the search for finding the workout can in itself be draining, especially if this is don after work when your brain power is more limited, or if you are short on time. Whatever your situation, this planning is for your moments of weakness. Consistency is key, so however much or little you are able to fit in, consider whatever you do as gain. Again, give your week some thought and plan a schedule that is realistic for YOU. I have outlined a sample workout schedule below. You are welcome to follow this, use parts of it, or come up with your own altogether! The goal is to pick out what videos you want to do ahead of time so you can jump right in when the occasion arises, because remember, in a moment of weakness, this structure is your friend.

Sample Workout Week:

Monday: 20–45 minute Upper Body Barre Intensive

Tuesday: 5–20 minute Back Dancing Barre Express + short run/walk

Wednesday: 20–45 minute barre intensive (ex: Lower Body Barre Intensive)

Thursday: REST DAY or 10–20 minute Abs Barre Express or run/walk/bike

Friday: Warm up + 10–20 minute Inner Thighs Barre Express and/or Biceps Barre Express

Saturday: 60–70 minute Full body barre

Sunday: REST DAY (walking okay)

As always, listen to your body, and remember to take care of your WHOLE self. Get good sleep, stay hydrated, eat whole foods, get outside and breathe fresh air when you can (even if it just means watching your kids ride their bikes), and keep in community with others as best (and safely!) as you can.

Be well, my friend. From my living room to yours.

xo, Stacia




Stacia was trained in classical ballet, barre, and pilates and provides quality online barre classes for all levels at